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Research and Projects

My Master's research mostly focused on understanding and modeling the complex multiscale interactions in turbulent flows, specifically in geophysical and atmospheric turbulence. I particularly worked on developing robust and improved reduced order models of fluid flows by means of artificial neural networks and machine learning algorithms. Earlier of my MS, I worked on understanding how subgrid-scale turbulence interacts with the resolved flows in Large Eddy Simulations. Apart from my primary research projects, I also worked on developing efficient parallel computing algorithms for fluid flow simulations as a personal research interest. During my undergrad in BUET, I worked on applied CFD simulation for industrial problems (numerical investigation of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger) using commercial Softwares as a part of the completion of my undergrad thesis. To read more, please click on the following pages:













To find my works in academic course projects, please direct to the page: 


Computational Tools and Software

My research, similar to most of the computational research, demands learning modern and latest programming languages, computational tools, and Softwares. Here is a list of programming and computing skills I have often used during my undergrad and MS research: 


  1. Programming language: Python, Fortran, C/C++, Matlab.

  2. Operating system platforms: Linux/Unix (for simulation on GPU, high-performance computing clusters), Windows.

  3. Modeling and simulation: COMSOL Multiphysics, ANSYS - Fluent, NetLogo (ABM), Vensim (SDM and ABM),                                                   OpenFOAM, Proteus.

  4. Engineering design: Solidworks, AutoCAD.

  5. Microcontroller programming: AVR Studio, WinAVR.

  6. Word Processing and Presentation: Latex, Microsoft Office, Beamer.

  7. Database and Post-processing: Tecplot,, Inkscape, Paraview.

  8. Machine Learning Tools: Keras, Tensorflow, CAFFE, Matlab deep learning toolbox.

Analytical Instrumentation and Experimental Skills

  1. Experimental Equipment: Fluidnatek LE-50 Electrospinning Unit, MCR 302 Rheometer, Porometer 3G Micro, 3D Printing Additive Manufacturing.

  2. Analytical characterization instruments: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), High-speed camera.

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